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Media Mentions | 04.26.24

Randi Mason Quoted in Glossy on Environmental Compliance in the Beauty Industry

Partner Randi Mason was quoted in a Glossy article entitled “Answers to Environmental Compliance FAQs with Leading Beauty Industry-Focused Attorneys.” Randi, co-chair of Morrison Cohen’s Corporate Practice, was one of several leading attorneys featured in the Q&A who answered questions about sustainability and regulatory compliance in the beauty and wellness industry.

Randi spoke of the current culture of greenwashing and how brands can navigate it. “Well before telling an insincere story lands you in legal trouble, it can alienate your consumer,” she said. “To avoid that risk, start by taking a deep and honest look at yourself: your products, your supply chain and distribution, your labor and employment practices, your DEI record, your carbon footprint. Then convey what you are doing really well to your consumer and take active steps to do better in the areas that need improvement.”

She suggested that if a company has the resources, they engage an ESG consultant to help do a self-audit. “ESG consultants are routinely used by organizations that are seeking investment from third parties who care about ESG impact and can also be used by operating companies to put together a cohesive story for their most critical stakeholders: the consumers,” she said.

Read the full article here.

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