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News | 03.25.15

Morrison Cohen Sponsors Building on Tradition Gala Benefitting The Chelsea Shul & The Rohr Center for JGrads

March 25, 2015 - Morrison Cohen and Y. David Scharf sponsored the Building on Tradition Gala on March 10, 2015. The event benefitted and celebrated the Restoration Project at the Chelsea Shul & The Rohr Center for JGrads. Among the honorees at the event were Morrison Cohen clients Ed Scheetz, CEO of the Chelsea Hotels, and Dr. Devorah R. and Elchonon Shagalov, Esq. of Diamonds International.

Morrison Cohen lawyers in attendance at the event, who represent our honored clients, included Evan Maron, Eitan Tabak and Latisha Thompson. Additionally, Evan Maron provides the Chelsea Shul with pro bono legal representation.

Founded in 1865, the Chelsea Shul or Congregation Emunath Israel, has a long history of serving as a focal point of Jewish life, learning and culture in the Chelsea area. The Rohr Center for JGrads is the heart and soul of Jewish life for graduate students in New York City. The Center offers Jewish students of all backgrounds and observance, the opportunity to explore their Jewish heritage.

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