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Articles | 09.09.24

Partner Hon. David Saxe (Ret.) Publishes Short Story in New York Law Journal Based on His Experiences as Trial Judge

Morrison Cohen Partner Hon. David Saxe (Ret.) recently published a fictional short story based on his experiences as a trial judge serving in the Supreme Court, New York County’s Civil Term in New York Law Journal.

The story centers on a case in which a plaintiff sues the City of New York and Con Edison for tripping on a defect in the street and suffering a fracture, and the judge who must parse through the issues of liability and settlement among uncooperative parties who will not bring the case to conclusion.

Saxe, a former Associate Justice in the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division, First Department, wrote that the story depicts the pressures that existed on everyone who worked in the courts before, during and after the Individual Assignment System (IAS), especially those cases that were commonly called “old dogs,” the ones that just wouldn’t ever disappear.

The story will also be featured in Judge Saxe’s forthcoming book of essays depicting his life as a judge.

New York Law Journal subscribers may read the full story here.

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