New York State Passes Retail Worker Safety Act
Retail employers in New York should be aware of a new law, the Retail Worker Safety Act, which will provide certain safety measures for retail employees in the workplace. The law takes effect 180 days after Governor Hochul signs it into law or declines to veto it.
Under the Retail Worker Safety Act, employers with at least 10 retail employees must adopt a workplace violence prevention policy and implement annual training to educate retail employees about workplace violence. The State Commissioner of Labor will adopt rules and regulations necessary to implement this law.
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy – Retail employers must either adopt a model retail workplace violence prevention plan, which will be publicly posted on the website of the New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) or establish their own policy that meets or exceeds the minimum standards set forth in the NYSDOL’s model policy.
Annual Training Requirements – The NYSDOL will produce a model workplace violence training program. Employers can either adopt the model program or develop their own workplace violence training that meets or exceeds the NYSDOL’s model’s standards.
Panic Buttons for Larger Employers – Effective January 1, 2027, retail employers with 500 or more retail employees nationwide must either install or provide access to panic buttons in the workplace, the latter of which would require providing each employee with a wearable or mobile phone-based panic alarm.
Retail employers are advised to periodically check the NYSDOL website to see when the model policy and training program will be posted.
Our Labor & Employment team is available to assist employers in navigating full compliance with New York Labor Laws, including assisting with development of workplace safety and violence prevention policies and trainings.
Read more about the Retail Worker Safety Act in our Client Alert below.

- Jeffrey P. Englander Partner & Co-Chair, Labor & Employment

- Keith A. Markel Partner & Co-Chair, Labor & Employment; Co-Chair, Luxury Brands

- Cassandra N. Branch Associate

- Kayla West Associate
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